
Saudization of 20% Engineering Jobs in KSA

Saudization of 20% Engineering Jobs in KSA

Saudi Arabia’s another big decision is to make engineering jobs localized. The 20% Saudization measure has been taken to help local graduates seek job opportunities in Saudi Arabia to best suit their degrees.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development will roll out this decision of applying to all private sector companies in the Saudi Job market that employ five or more engineering professionals.

Saudization of 20% Engineering Jobs in KSA

Saudization of 20% Engineering Jobs in KSA

So, if any private company has more than 5 Engineering Jobs or workers, then 20% of the jobs must be given to Saudi Locals, which means 20% Saudization. this measure has been taken to increase Saudiation as well as to boost economy and motivate locals to studay and get good jobs in their Home country itself.

Must Read Article: Saudization increased in Private Sectors

Ministry has also come out with a detailed manual setting out the benefits, details and implementation procedures of its decision. Business owners and job seekers can view the manual on the ministry’s official website.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has issued the decision as part of a series of measures to localize professions in cooperation and partnership with government and supervisory agencies to enable graduates with specific qualifications to obtain decent employment opportunities in the Kingdom.

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