If you’re owning a car in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, You must be knowing the traffic violations that will counted
under your Iqama if you do any violations while driving or the look and feel of your vehicle.
It is very important to know all the traffic violation which are also listed on the MOI website (moi.gov.sa) under
different categories. We will give a brief overview of important traffic violations in Saudi Arabia (KSA) and their
Saudi Arabian Government is very strict when it comes to traffic violations as more than 16000+ cases were registered related to drifting in last 1+ years, which increased the no.of deaths and serious injuries due to not abiding the traffic rules.
List of Saudi Arabian Traffic Violations:
- If a vehicle over takes a school bus or jumps the red signal will be fines SR 6,000 /- in KSA.
- How to pay traffic fines online
- Fine of SR 300 /- for playing Pokemon
- Car parked for 24 hours at one place can be seized the police in KSA
- Licence can be suspended or Jailed or fine upto SR 900 /- for driving over-speed in KSA
- In KSA expatriates are not allowed to use big vehicles any more.
- 11 Rules related to headlights to prevent traffic violations
- Due to Saher traffic system almost 150,000 KSA citizens face ban on travel
- Fine of SR 500 /- if a marriage car parade is taken out
- Eating while driving can cost you fine of SR 150 /-
- Using tinted window can cost you fine of SR 150 /-
- How to check traffic tickets under one’s Iqama
- Number plate hidden from Saher cameras may lead to fine of SR 2,000 /-
- Car drifting can get you in jail for 2 months and fine of SR 10,000 /-
- Driver can be fined and jailed if found talking on mobile while driving
- How can the traffic tickets be challenged
Traffic Violation their Penalties in Saudi:
- Penalty for Illegal Number Plate for your vehicle – SR 3,000/-
- Penalty for over crossing Red light (Signal) – SE 3000/-
- Penalty for giving Vehicle registration card to others – SR 1,000/- to SR 2,000/-
- Penalty for giving your Driving License to others – SR 1,000/- to SR 2,000/-
- Leaving the place of accident without informing the authorities – SR 10,000/- or 3 months Imprisonment
- Penalty for Drifting (first Time violation) – SR 20,000/-
- Penalty for Drifting (Second Time violation) – SR 40,000/-
- Fine due to Dim Light by Riyadh traffic police – SR 500/-
Penalty if you vehicle is seized permanently in First time violation then you will have to pay this amount – SR 60,000/-
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