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Free Iqama, Visa Extension for Expatriates & Free Re-Entry Visas

All Hail to King Salman, the custodian of Two Holy Mosques on 5th of July 2020 has come with a new announcement today which really brings good news to all the expatriates living in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His excellency has approved the extension of expired Iqama (residence permit) , Visas Extension and Free Exit Re-entry visa for expatriates who have left the kingdom and wanted to come back.

Beneficiaries include expats in Kingdom with final exit, reentry visas

Free Iqama, Visa Extension for Expatriates & Free Re-Entry Visas

  • Extension of expired Iqama, Visa, Exit Rentry Visas are for a period of 3 months for Free. yes, you are reading it right.
  • Expatriates doesn’t have to pay anything for as their expired Iqama, it will be automatically renewed for 3 more months.
  • Visa of visitors who are in the kingdom will be extended for 3 months without any charges
  • Exit & reentry visas of expatriates who are outside Saudi Arabia for a period of three months without any fee.

Final Exit Visas Validity will also be extended and Exit Rentry visas issued to expatriates who are in the kingdom but didn’t use during lock down period will be extended for a period of 3 months.

This decision by King Salman has won the hearts of King Salman during this pandemic situation. The ministry said that this decision was taken as a part of continuous efforts to fight coronavirus pandemic and provide extended support to individuals, private sectors, investors for stable economic conditions.

Expatriates who are in the kingdom are happy for free Iqama Validity extension for those whose Iqama got expired during lockdown. Also, expatriates who are outside Saudi Arabia are also happy that their Exit Reentry Visas also got extended for 3 months.

These expatriates are not in a position to return to the Kingdom due to the enforcement of suspension of international flight service and temporary ban on entry and exit from the Kingdom.

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