First group of Umrah pilgrims from other countries have been landed today in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Hajj & Umrah has confirmed the first batch of Umrah pilgrims from Pakistan and Indonesia.
Third phase of Umrah has started after the COVID lockdown is over and strict measures have been in place to fight COVID in the kingdom.
First Group of Umrah Pilgrims arrive at King Abdul Aziz Airport
All these measures are taken to prevent human safety along with meeting Muslims aspiration to visit Saudi Arabia for Umrah,
A 3 day isolation is in place for all Umrah performers and only 20,000 Umrah pilgrims along with 60,000 worshippers will be allowed entry in the Grand Mosque in Makkah on a daily basis.
and 19500 pilgrims will be allowed to visit Madina on a given day.
Ministry of Hajj & Umrah has stated that Umrah pilgrims stay has been set to 0 days in the kingdom and the reservations can be booked through the Eatmarna application.
May Allah Grant everyone, the permission to visit Makkah & Madina soon
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