All International Flights, land, sea and air borders will reopen at 11 a.m. starting today i.e. 3rd January 2021. Travel ban have been removed and now All International flights will start operating from Saudi Arabia to other countries and and from other countries into the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All Non Saudis (Expats) who were waiting for a long time can now come to Saudi Arabia
International Flights Open Now in Saudi
Please refer to the airlines schedule for flight availability.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has shut all the international commercial flights for a 2 weeks earlier, amid reports of the appearance of a new mutated strain of coronavirus in a number of European countries
Expats who were coming from the countries where the new wave of mutated virus was observe will have to spend 4 days in quarantine after landing in Saudi Arabia and will have to under go several PCR tests and the others coming from countries where the mutated virus was not there will have to spend 7 days in after reaching the kingdom or after 3 days of negative PCR test.
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