Coronavirus has impacted big across the globe and Saudi Arabia had taken a favourable decision for expats whose Final Exit Visa, Exit Re-Entry Visas expired in this pandemic were extended due to travel restrictions and flights not working.
The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) has now given an update on extending Exit Re-Entry Visa for the Expats who are outside the kingdom of Saudi Arabia so that due to this decision any new cases from other countries shouldn’t become a surprise to Saudi Arabia.
Expired Final Exits, Exit Re-ReEntry Visa Confirmation from Jawazat
Exit Re-Entry Visa for Expats those who are outside the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is available online on Absher platform.
In one of a query asked on social media platform (Twitter) by domestic worker, Jawazat replied to login to the Absher account and Choose sponsored services >> Visa Service >> Choose resident >. More details to extend the Exit & Rentry Visa
Along with that Final Exit Visa will also get extended automatically in coordintion with National Information Center without the need to review.
Most Expats are still waiting for International Flights to open, but only repatriation flights are working and still more expatriates didn’t get their flight tickets.
This new will give a big relief to all the Expats who are Final Visa and Exit-Re-Entry Visas
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