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Employee Cannot be Terminated without Notice – Saudi Labor Laws

Employee Cannot be Terminated without Notice - Saudi Labor

Saudi Labor Laws governs the employee employer relationship in Saudi Arabia. As per Saudi Labor Law Article (80), An employer may not terminate the employee without giving a prior notice or an award by protecting him against a loss.

Employee Cannot be Terminated without Notice - Saudi Labor

Though Employers can terminate their employee or worker without notice in below situations:

1) If an Employee or a worker assaults his Employer, Supervisor on anyone Supoeriori to him.

2) If a Workers is not meeting the meeting his basic perfromnce standards as per the contract, or if unable to obey the rules & regulations of the company inspite of written warnings

3) If a worker or an employee is misbehaving or doing an act of infringement or dishonesty which causes integrity issues

4) If a worker or an Employee does any forgery in irder to get a job

5) If a worker commits any act which causes loss to an employer.

6) If an employee is undr probation period

7) If a worker is Absonding

8) If a a worker is taking advantage of his position for personal gains

9) If a workers disclosed company’s confidential information outside or to competitors

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