Many articles and news in Social Media have posted that there will be a Tax (VAT) on Salary in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Labor & Social Development have denied any such new of Tax on Salary and denied the rumours which are spreading over Social media websites such as (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc).
As per the rumours whih were poste don Social media there will be a Tax (VAT) on Salariea above 3000 Saudi Riyals.
However, Labor Minitry Official have denied such rumours which are spreading online and told everyone to not to believe such rumours and that is no reality.
Also, ther were many messages spread over social media that work permit will only be issued to only few Job Titles which was also denied.
I reuqest all my brothers & sisters who are working in Saudi Arabia, to check the news srouces and don’t believe Fake News.
May Allah Help everyone..Ameen
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