Shoura Council of Saudi Arabia has plans proposing a draft bill on banning abortions, sterilisation, artificial insemination and human cloning operations.
The new law aims to promote medical justice by applying Islamic law to practitioners and patients and also seeks to regulate litigation in cases of medical malpractice.
Among the articles are a ban on the termination of life of any patient for any reason even at the request of their family, according to the publication.
Article 16 of the law also ban human cloning and related research which will put restrictions on artificial insemination except between legally married couples to treat infertility. The proposed penalty for violators of the ban is imprisonment for a period of not less than 10 years.
It is not permissible for a doctor to intervene with the intention of family planning without the consent of the spouses, the draft bill recommends. The doctor should not undertake an abortion unless the pregnancy is a threat to the life of the pregnant woman.
Health Care companies will require to insure medical practitioners against rrors nd bear 80% of the annual insurance premium.
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