
Saudi Arabia eases Curfew Hours Timings in Kingdom

Saudi Arabia Eases Curfew Hours

Saudi Arabia was locked down for 5 full days during Eid holidays. Just after Eid holidays Saudi Arabia decided to ease curfew hours inthree-phases.

Here are the details in phase-wise Curfew details which be followed in KSA (Saudi Arabia) starting 28th May 2020.


Saudi Arabia Eases Curfew Hours

Saudi Arabia eases Curfew Hours Timings

The authorities in Saudi Arabia have decided to shorten the 24-hour #Coronavirus curfew, allowing movement in private cars from 6 a.m. until 3 p.m. all areas of the Kingdom except the holy city of Makkah

The First phase will begin from Thursday (May 28th 2020) and ends on Saturday (May 30 2020), the movement is permitted from 6 a.m. until 3 p.m on these days

The Second phase, which will start on (May 31st 2020 and will end on June 20th 2020) and will allow movement from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m in all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia except Makkah region

The Third phase, which starts on (June 21st 2020), citizens and residents will be allowed to move freely all the time in all regions of the Kingdom except Makkah region until further notice.

– The easing of the movement restrictions allows resumption of domestic flights, opening of mosques, restaurant and cafes and work attendance, however, the temporary suspension of Umrah pilgrimage remains in force.

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