As per the General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI) the released figures since the starting of 2017 from the labor market are showing that more than 302,473 expatriates have left in the year 2017.
It means that that on an average 1000+ expatriates are quitting Jobs in the kingodm of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Nationals have also quitted in the same period Approximately 500,000 Saudis left Private Jobs with an average of 1800+ daily.
GOSI also gave he figures of Women entering the labor market have been increased when compared to last year.
New Job Opportunities for Expatriates dropped down, wheerein there was an increase in employment of Saudi Nationals.
Saudi Arabia is also looking up for woemn empowerment wherein they want to provide Jobs for women.
Most of the expatriates are quitting their Jobs and Leaving Saudi Arabia because not only dependent fees are lvied but also many new rules, taxes are coming up in the kingdom which might end their savings. So, whatever they earn they will spend most of th amount there only including dependent fees, Taxes, Renewal, fines, etc.
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