Expat Dependent Fees is levied From July 1st in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There are around 3 Million Dependents living in the kingdom with around 10.5 Million expatriates working in private companies.
Most of the companies hage decided to pay Expatriate Dependent Fees for Only for highly Skilled expatriates and experienced foreign workers and prevent them from leaving Saudi Arabia.
Government of Saudi Arabia will be generating good amount of revenue from due to implementation of Dependnet Fees, though fees has been a shock for every expatriate living in Saudi Arabia.
Now Companies are planning to revise all the expat travel, education and vacation allowances in order to compensate the dependent fees they will be paying.
Dependent Fees which has just started from 100 SAR monthly on each dependent which is expected to reach 1200 SAR annually.
By July 2020 it will 400 SAR per month per dependent i.e. 4800 SAR anually.
Companies will also be paying tax based on the Nitaqat wherein it all depends on no of Saudi Expatriates Vs Saudi Citizens working in a company.
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