
Qabul Service in Absher to Accept or Reject Requests

Qabul Service in Absher to Accept or Reject

A new service called ‘Qabul ‘ has been introduced in Absher in Saudi Arabia which will enable you to approve any request from any client or bank. Its totally upto you to decide whether you are going to accept or reject the request. After the approval of Qabul service by you , it is displayed in the history list and all the request which are pending can also be checked and viewed till they get expired.

For instance , they are going to need your approval in Absher, if you have an opened bank  account online in any bank or the Bank Albilad, this request for authentication and approval , you are going to find in ‘Qabul service’.  You can open your bank account online after the approval of the request.

Qabul Service in Absher to Accept or Reject

This “ Qabul Service “ is very beneficial for the expats as well as the citizens of Saudi Arabia as now they can simply access  their Absher account online and view or accept or reject requests which comes under the “Qabul Service “

Measures to accept or reject any request in Qabul Service :

  1. Firstly , you need to login to your Absher.Sa account , make yourself authenticated with the help of SMS Message you would receive. The other way is to choose it from ‘Services’ section, then select ‘General Service’ , then finally the ‘Qabul Service’

Another way of accessing it is by simply selecting the “Absher Qabul Service “.

  1. After the above procedure, you can select from one of the following i.e., either ‘View Pending Requests ‘ or ‘ View Accepted Requests’ . Inside the section of pending requests, new requests are displayed , which you can either accept or reject . In the section of Accepted requests, you will be able to view those request which you have previously accepted and approved.

This “ Qabul Service “ is very beneficial for the expats as well as the citizens of Saudi Arabia as now they can simply access  their Absher account online and view or accept or reject requests which comes under the “Qabul Service “

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