
Prayer Times today in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Jeddah)

Islamic prayers times, Salat times in Saudi Arabia today. Get salat times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib & Isha’a timing in Saudi Arabia.

Most of the expats living in Saudi Arabia when they travel to a new place will search for a mosque / masjid and aslo will check for Prayers timings basis their work schedule. We want to provide information about Islamic Prayer times for Muslims in Saudi Arabia

Many people on internet seach for Salah Times | Prayer Time Today | Namax Times | Adhan Times | Salat Time for all the five islamic prayers Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Magrib & Isha

Prayer Times today in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Jeddah)

We’re providing information on Top cities Like Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Makkah, Madina, Taif, Tabuk and few more city Prayer Timings across Saudi Arabia. for more cities you can select the cities in Saudi or any other country as well from the drop-down list provided.

Prayer Times today in Riyadh


Prayer Times today in Dammam

Prayer Times today in Jeddah

Prayer Times today in Taif

Prayer Times today in Makkah / Mecca

Prayer Times today in Madinah

Get Salat (Prayer) Times in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh | Makkah | Madinah | Jeddah | Yanbu | Abha | Dammam | Jubail | Al Ahsa | Hail | Khamis Mushait | Al Kharj | Najran | Arar | Jazan | Sakaka | Al Bahah | Al Qassim | Tabuk | Asir | Bisha | Dhurma | Duba | Dawadmi | Hafar Al-Batin | Khobar | Khafji | Al Lith | Al Majma’ah | Muzahmiyya | Al Namas | Umluj | Qatif | Ras Tanura | AR Rass | Rabigh | Tanomah | Tuwal | Turaif | Al Ula | Al Wajh | Zulfi | Al Jowf | Buraidah | Hofuf

Find Prayer Times in Your Area Online or Prayer Time Near Me

Muslims pray five times a day for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, or Isha prayers. we’ve collated all the required information to help our brothers to save time and get to know the correct prayer times across all thr cities in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

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