
No Expatriate Jobs in Insurance Companies by Feb 2018

No Jobs for Expatriates in Insurance Companies by Feb

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority has made it mandate that all the Insurance companies operating in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia will have to give jobs to Saudi Nationals inorder to provide Jobs to the local Saudi people.

No Jobs for Expatriates in Insurance Companies by Feb

SAMA has made this mandatary for all the Insurance Companies to have Saudi national on Jobs for Vehicle Insurance Claim Management, Customer Service, Grievance Cell, Respresentatives, Marketing Executives etc by the end of Feb 2018.

By this news Expatriates working in Insurance sectors need to think before the water level rises above their necks and shoul start looking out jobs in any other sectors in Saudi Arabia.

All Expatriates working in the Insurance Sector in Saudi Arabia now needs to be on their toes and ensure that they are not into any jobs which can be done by Saudi Nationals.

SAMA has given information to all the Insurance companies to localize all jobs to Saudi Citizens

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