Ministry of Labor & Social Development has launched Gold card to attract talented Expats. Gold card represents Extended Residence program which will help the kingdom to find special talented people from different countries.
The initial phase of this project will run for 32 months to form the pilot stage to final launch.
Gold Card (Extended Residence Program)
This program will help find suitable and talented candidates for any job in Saudi Arabia.
The Gold Card (Extended Residence Program) is a part of of the Quality of Life Program 2020 which was launched last year by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs.
All these initiatives will help Saudi Arabia to retain or acquire the best talents around the world. So, only the creamy and top talented Expats are attracted towards these jobs and Saudi is trying to monetize all efforts from the talented expatriates.
Here is a chance for all our Expat brothers & sisters to enhance their skills by learning new technologies or new courses which are in demand to retain their jobs or to get better jobs in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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