Great News for all the Expatriates. Saudi Government (Saudi Labor Law) says that the weekend days leave of an employee shouldn’t be subtracted from his annual leave.
Every Individual Company in the Kingdom who is cutting they employee weekend leave and counts them as Annual leave will cause a violation of Saudi Arabia Labor Laws and that company will have to pay fine of 1,00,000 SAR (Saudi Riyals).
As per the Saudi Labor Law, any employees weekends are not considered as a part of annual leave.
Weekend leaves are spearate from Annual leaves and Employers shouldn’t count weekend leaves as a part of Annual leaves.
As most of the Expatriates living in Saudi Arabia aren’t aware of all the Saudi Labor Laws, many companies have been counting their weekends in annual leaves.
But, now if a company is violating Saudi Labor law and couting Weekend leaves as Annual leave will have to pay a huge fine of 1,00,000 Saudi Riyals (SAR).
Hoping that these Fines and Laws are towards helping all the foreigners and Expatriates living in Saudi Arabia and getting their weekend leaves separately apart from the annual leave.
If any such fine is imposed to a company and if the payment is delayed, then they will have to pay double fine and repeating the same violation can also Shut down the company.
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