
Expatriate violators will be deported to Home Country

Expatraite violators will be Deported to Home Country-SaudiExpatriate

Ministry of Interior said that any expatriate who is violating coronovirus related measures and not following social distancing and not wearing mask in public places in groups or in outside or outside shops will be deported to their home countries and after that would not be allowed to enter the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ministry of Interior also said that it will impose penalties for shop owners if shoppers or employees are gathering inside our outside shops without social distancing.

Expatraite violators will be Deported to Home Country-SaudiExpatriate

Expatriate violators will be deported to Home Country

First Time Offenders: Shop Owners will be fined 5000 SRs for every extra person present in the facility if not followed precautionary measures and the Maximum fine can go up-to 100,00 SR

Second Time Offenders: Shop Owners will be fined 10,000 SRs or every extra person present in the facility if not followed precautionary measures

Third Time Offenders: Fine will be doubles and shop owner or incharge will also be referred to public prosecution

Private establishments if not followed coronavirus precautionary measures will also be shutdown for 3 months and if violation is repeated for the second time then the private establishment will be shutdown for 6 months.

If an Expatriate is violating he will be deported to his home country for violating the precautionary measures and will be unable to enter the kingdom of Saudi Arabia forever.

Malls, shopping centers, and retail stores were allowed to re-open given they follow strict preventative measures including social distancing and hygiene precautions.

Saudi Arabia also has announced that they will go under 24 hour lockdown during the 5 Day Eid Holidays at the end of holy month of Ramadan.

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