Shoura Council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has voted for 40 hours work per week with 2 day weekend for all the private sctor employees.
This decision will effect the articles 98100 and 104 of Saudi Labor Laws 2017. Thought majority of voting has accepted for a 40 hour work week along with 2 weekends, its the Kings decision to accept this proposal.
9 Million Saudi Nationals and foreign workers (Expatriates) working under private sector are waiting for this decision to be made. However, the Shareholders and the employers of the companies don’t seem to be happy with 40 hour working per week and granting 2 weekoffs as weekend.
This is not the first time Shoura Council has voted on this, but the government asked them to reconsider their proposal. But now they came back with the same proposal ans now waiting for King Salman to accept the proposal of recuing the work hours to 40 hours per week with 2 week-Offs.
“The study carried out by the International Labor Organization in 2006 showed that more than half of the world relies on 40-hour week and that it did not have any adverse effect on productivity but instead it increased productivity and quality,” one member said.
The main idea is that no private employee must work more than 40 hours per week i.e. more than 8 hours per day.
Hoping that this will be a good decision for all the private employees working in Saudi Arabia
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