MBS (Mohammed Bin Salman), the Crown prince of Saudi Arabia have completed 3 year as Crown Prince in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has been the most powerful man in the kingdom. All respect to the Crown Prince, he has made many changes in the country to make peoples life easy.
Crown Prince MBS
Here are few things which MBS Mohammed Bin Salman (Crown Prince) has done in 3 years.
- A royal decree lifts a decades-long ban on women driving, starting from June 24, 2018.
- The Ministry of Justice releases a circular to courts that allows divorced women to instantly retain custody of their children.
- The Council of Ministers approves a law making sexual harassment a crime.
- A royal decree ends restrictions on women traveling. Women aged 21 and over are allowed to travel independently as of Aug. 20, 2019.
- Tourist e-visas are offered for the first time. Visitors from 49 countries can use the new visas. The Kingdom’s mandatory conservative dress code for visitors is also relaxed.
- The Supreme Court abolishes flogging.
- The Supreme Court abolishes the death penalty for minors.
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